
Hey! I'm Ashraf, a full-stack developer based in the UK. Currently working at Evelyn Partners. Continously looking to hone my craft by building out simple, functional and elegant applications.

My passion ties towards creating services that can bring forward transformative changes to society, where the emergence of touch-based devices fascinated me as a kid.

I love exploring the latest and greatest in the tech sphere, where I value high-quality products that are utilitarian in nature, but also incorporate a sleek aesthetic.

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  • To the super attentive out there: you’ve probably noticed that this site has undergone a lot of changes (stylistically speaking) to put it lightly.

    I’ll update the colophon in the not-too-distant future, but it essentially comes down to just continually immersing myself towards ensuring that this site (the living proof of myself as an individual) comes across in a manner that I consider perfect.

    My interpretation of perfect will of course change as I expose myself to more things as a whole, which will inevitably kickstart the process of change over and over again. But change isn’t a bad thing at all. It’s that feedback loop that we incite from simply experiencing/applying new things that allows us to elevate our crafts.

    After all, we are all unpolished gems, continually refining ourselves as we go along.


  • Life update: I started (two days ago) at Evelyn Partners!

    It was amazing to meet some of the team today, with there being a very pronounced soothing sorta feeling. Everyone just focuses on crushing what’s in front of them; and that’s how it should be, but with the additional sprinkle of supportiveness that helps to alleviate that first-day imposter syndrome feeling.

    Now, you’ve probably had a look at the job title, and I can guess that you’re still pondering as to what it actually means (I did too for a while). To succinctly put it, it can be thought of as a full-stack role with a front-end focus.

    I’m very much looking forward to creating plenty of memorable moments with the rest of the development team.


  • Of course, I forgot to add the license for the site. Not to fret, I’ve added it in the repo.

    Also, huge s.o. to Ephraim Duncan with the work he’s done on his site, he’s seriously outdone himself with the guestbook page.

    There’s just this unexplainable magic in seeing neat features packaged together so elegantly.